Impacts of this grant
Impact on students by the numbers:
- Number of MS Students Funded – 7
- Number of MS Students Graduated – 4
- Number of USDA Interns Hired – 22
- Number of Student Field/Training Days – 6
- Number of Professional Development Opportunities for Students – 8
- Number of Students Completing Course – 56 (50 at ASU, 6 at MCC)
- Number of Student Honor’s Projects – 2
MS Student Projects
- Chrisovalantou Karakozis (MS Student) – Evaluation of the spatial patterns of agriculture in the U.S.
- Emma Bonham (MS Environmental Engineering 2022) – Can organic growers meet nutrient demands with local organic residuals? Advisors: Muenich, Williams
- Sarah (Zinke) Garland (MS Environmental Engineering 2021) – Microbial populations in ponded wastewater sediments. Advisors: Conroy-Ben; Williams
- Noah Rudko (MS Hydrosystems Engineering 2021) – Modeling overflow and seepage to groundwater from manure lagoons. Advisors: Muenich; Williams
- Emily Crowder (MS student) – Microbial populations in ponded wastewater sediments. Advisors: Conroy-Ben; Williams
- Billy Krukowski (MS Hydrosystems Engineering 2020) – Review of the Quantitative Tradeoffs of Using Organic Residuals in Arid Agriculture. Advisors: Muenich; Williams
- Junpei Hara (MS Civil Engineering 2019) – Antibiotic resistance in tertiary treated wastewater. Advisor: Conroy-Ben
Student Intern Projects
- Catherine Torrie (ASU) – Soil health management on small urban farm; Advisors: Muenich, Williams
- Brandon Li (ASU) – Use of graywater in agricultural applications; Advisors: Conroy-Ben, Williams
- Noah Fonseca (ASU) – Use of graywater in agricultural applications; Advisors: Conroy-Ben, Williams
- Andrea Amavisca (ASU) – Distinguishing phosphorus sources with isotopic tracing in an arid environment; Advisors: Muenich, Williams
- Jorgi Anderson (ASU) – Nitrogen co-crystal fate; Advisors: Muenich; Williams
- Jose Becerra (ASU) – Design and implementation of an irrigation system for an urban farm food forest; Advisors: Muenich; Williams
- Michael Roman (ASU) – Design and implementation of an irrigation system for an urban farm food forest; Advisors: Muenich; Williams
- Jose Becerra (ASU) – Design and implementation of an irrigation system for an urban farm food forest; Advisors: Muenich; Williams
- Shannon Malinda (ASU) – Implementation of an urban aquaponics system; Advisor: Brooks
- Qingyun Chen (ASU) – Implementation of an urban aquaponics system-yield impacts; Advisor: Brooks
- Suraya Sidique (ASU) – Fate and transport of pharmaceuticals under varying management practices; Advisors: Williams, Conden
- Carlos Zamora (ASU) – Fate and transport of pharmaceuticals under varying management practices; Advisors: Williams, Conde
- Suraya Sidique (ASU) – Development of a phosphorus budget for a managed aquifer recharge site; Advisors: Muenich, Williams
- Wesley Colvin (ASU) – Tetrabromobisphenol A and Crops: Examining Effluent Irrigation Impacts in Agriculture; Advisors: Conden, Williams
- Jeanene Hanley (MCC) – Tetrabromobisphenol A and Crops: Examining Effluent Irrigation Impacts in Agriculture; Advisors: Conden, Williams
- Marie Bear (ASU) – Development of a stakeholder-driven water usage estimator for Verde Valley agriculture; Advisors: Muenich, Williams
- Emma Bonham (ASU) – Comparison of water used in backyard gardens and mesic landscaping; Advisors: Muenich, Williams
- Samantha Stone (ASU) – Comparison of water used in backyard gardens and mesic landscaping; Advisors: Muenich, Williams
- Tannis Breure (ASU) –BioChar’s Removal of Contaminants in Agricultural Soil; Advisor: Muenich; Williams
- Nate Fousel (MCC) – Vertical Farming; Advisor: Conden
- Noah Rudko (ASU) – Land use change and forest management on stream flows in the Verde River Watershed; Advisor: Muenich; Williams
- Elizabeth Singh (ASU) – Antibiotic resistant genes in reclaimed wastewater. Advisor: Conroy-Ben
- Katy Skillings (ASU) – Soil quality in ponded wastewater sediments. Advisor: Conroy-Ben; Advisor: Williams
- Conroy-Ben, O. and Crowder, E*., 2020. Unregulated and Emerging Contaminants in Tribal Water. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, (169), pp.92-100.
- Tiesort C, Bonham E*, Muenich RL, Zanin A. Irrational Rationality in Organizational Decision-Making: Discursive Logics and Material Constraints of U.S. Urban Desert Farmers. (in revisions). Journal of Applied Communication Research.
- Rudko N*, Garcia M, Xu T, Muenich RL. (in review). Development of a Point-Source Model to Improve Simulations of Manure Lagoon Interactions with the Environment. Journal of Environmental Management.
- Bonham E*, Zanin A, Williams C, Muenich RL. (in prep). Analysis of existing organic farming nutrient management practices: Implications for sustainable agriculture.
- Miralha L, Sidique S*, Muenich RL. 2022. The spatial organization of CAFOs and its relationship to water quality in the United States. Journal of Hydrology, in press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128301
- Bonham E*, Williams C, Zanin A, Muenich RL. An Assessment of Organic Farm Nutrient Management. ASU MORE Symposium, April 22, 2022.
- Becerra J*, Roman M*, Wann J, Williams C, Muenich RL. Water is Our Teacher and Future. Project Confluence Final Presentations, April 14, 2022.
- Bonham E*, Williams C, Zanin A, Muenich RL. An Assessment of Organic Farm Nutrient Management. SEBE Graduate Student Symposium, February 11, 2022. Received an honorable mention prize.
- Rudko N*, Muenich RL, Garcia ME, Xu T. Hydrologic and water quality modeling of a CAFO dairy lagoon. American Geophysical Union, Virtual Meeting, Dec 1-17, 2020.
- Breure T*, Williams C, Muenich RL, Conroy-Ben O. Biochar removal of E. coli in arid agricultural lands. Virtual ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, November 9-13, 2020.
- Rudko N*, Muenich R, Garcia M. Development of a CAFO Lagoon Module to Advance Manure Management. American Society of Agricultural & Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting, July 13-15, 2020. Virtual.
- Williams C, Muenich R, Conroy-Ben O. Competitive Sorption of Pharmaceuticals to Soil. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, San Antonio, TX, Nov. 10-13, 2019.
- Muenich RL. Quantifying urban and agricultural connections over space and time. Association of Environmental Engineering & Science Professors, Tempe, AZ, May 14-16, 2019.
- Muenich, Rebecca, Otakuye Conroy-Ben, Clinton Williams, and Peter Conden. The nexus of agricultural and urban trade-offs: Enhancing interdisciplinary education and research to create emerging opportunities in urban agriculture. Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research All Scientists Meeting and Poster Symposium, Tempe, AZ, Jan. 11, 2019.
*indicates student working on grant
Impact on stakeholder communities by the numbers
- Number of Stakeholder Advisory Board Members – 18
- Number of Advisory Board Meetings – 4
- Number of Engagement Events – 1 (more than 115 impacted)
- Number of Student-Led Webinars – 4
- Number of Outreach Activities – 2
Grants Submitted to USDA from ASU after Project Activities – 9